Learning to be Fruitful Where We Are
Spring and summer tend to be the seasons of nature where fruit is most evident. I see it in my garden in the way that my jalapenos and peppers are bearing fruit and in the way that my eggplant, tomatoes, catnip, impatiens, and begonias are growing taller each day. Fruitfulness describes my garden and the fields where the Texas wildflowers grow. But what does fruitfulness look like for us in our faith journey, especially in seasons where we aren’t seeing the fruit of our labor?
Some of us may think that we have to do big works for the Lord to be fruitful. We also may think that if we aren’t seeing fruit that we aren’t doing enough. I don’t think that either of those things are true. God is simply calling us to be fruitful with what we have right where we are. Even if we don’t yet see the fruit, He still longs for us to complete the purpose that he gave us:
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return there but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
-Isaiah 55:10-11
Our Call to be Fruitful
Just as the rain and snow complete their purpose before returning to the heavens, God intends for us to complete the purpose he has given us before we return to him. This purpose is to glorify God, further the Kingdom here on earth, and grow in Christlikeness. He is calling us to fulfill our purpose and be fruitful exactly where we are today within our specific set of circumstances.
When we wish away where we are, dread our day-to-day life, or remain stagnant amongst challenges or monotony, we are risking returning to God empty, just as the rain would be if it returned to heaven without first accomplishing its purpose on earth. We have to embrace exactly where we are and remember that God is calling us toward stewardship and fruitfulness right where we are. He has equipped us, prepared the way, and has given us what we need to be fruitful.
Just as the water brings forth fruitfulness, bringing seed to the sower and bread to the eater, God is also calling us to be fruitful in various capacities. We can be fruitful and fulfill our purpose in our career, our friendships and relationships, our families, and in motherhood or fatherhood. Our fruitfulness touches every sphere of our life, just as the water touches all parts of the earth and brings forth life. Even if we can’t yet see the fruit, we must remain diligent in accomplishing what God planned for us. He will be faithful as we seek to be fruitful.
How to Be Fruitful Right Where We Are
I want to be fruitful in the season of life that I am in and in the places and circumstances where God has placed me. And even more so, God has called us to be fruitful within those places. God has us where we are for a purpose, and we need to be fruitful and make the most of what we’ve been given. By being fruitful, we’re being faithful stewards of the things in which God has called us to do.
We can’t be fruitful when we’re holding tightly to our own expectations or agendas. We also can’t be fruitful by wishing away our circumstances or failing to see the potential in a slow-moving season. If we reap what we sow, wouldn’t we rather be sowing seeds of encouragement, faith, and openhandedness towards God’s will rather than holding tightly to our own ideas of how our life should look?
So, how can we be fruitful in this season of life, right where we’re planted? How can we dig our roots deep into the purpose that God has for us right now?
We Can:
Broaden Our Perspective
I love that the Scripture that directly precedes Isaiah 55:10-11 are verses declaring that God’s ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours. It puts all things in perspective to remember that while I can have similar thoughts to God since I’m created in his image, I cannot even scratch the surface of the thoughts that God has. His ways are so much higher than ours, which encourages me to pursue fruitfulness even in difficult circumstances.
It also puts into perspective the need for us to be fruitful: God has placed us where we are using his thoughts and ways that are higher than ours and has given us a purpose. He desires for us to accomplish what He’s purposed and will bless us abundantly in the thing He sent us to do. All of this is with His higher perspective that is writing the whole story! We can be fruitful when we shift our perspective toward open-handedness because we know that God’s plan is better.
View Challenges as Opportunities
One perspective shift that I’ve made in my life is to view my challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles. When we come across a trial, it can quickly derail our efforts to be fruitful. But when we view our challenges as opportunities to pivot or try something new, they become less daunting and less of a roadblock.
Accept the Circumstances We’ve Been Given
One of the most difficult things to do is to accept where we are even if it isn’t what we wanted. I’ve faced too many circumstances that were not what I had in mind. Even now, most of my life is not what I pictured. The only way that I’m finding contentment where I’m at and am able to be fruitful is because I’ve accepted that if this where God has me then it must be for a purpose. I’m laying down my expectations and agenda and trading them in for humility and surrender for the ways of God. I’m choosing to accept the set of circumstances that God has given me, and I’m trusting that He will be faithful to provide.
Continue to Plant Seeds Even if We Don’t See Fruit Yet
It can be so difficult to continue to plant seeds, especially when the fruit is not evident. I often feel this way while mothering a toddler. The seeds are being sown daily, but I likely will not reap a harvest until much later in the future. I’m blessed to see some small seedlings as Wesley surprises me by remembering what I’ve taught him, but I know that my work is hardly done. If we want to be fruitful where we are, we have to remain faithful in the planting process.
Remember Our Assignment for This Season (or Discern What it is if We Aren’t Sure)
It’s easy to be fruitful when we know what we’ve been called to do and what our assignment from God is. But we have to be discerning to know when it’s from God or if it’s the product of our own dreams and desires. It will be evident that it’s from God when it’s in line with God’s word and promises, you feel a sense of contentment around it, or you feel the Spirit clearly prompting you toward it. Our assignment also is something that will help us to live out our ultimate purpose of glorifying God, furthering the Kingdom, and growing in Christlikeness with our lives.
Once we know our assignment, we must remain faithful to accomplish it. We are fruitful when we live out a God-given assignment, and we also get to witness firsthand the goodness and faithfulness of God.
In this season, this looks like being fully present when I’m around Wesley, teaching him right from wrong, and helping him to understand his emotions. It also looks like being a faithful steward and hostess of my new home. It also is using my skill set to glorify God and bless others through my job and my writing. But it also includes some mundane tasks like feeding my family every night and cleaning the litter box. By remaining faithful to my assignment, I know that I will be reaping a good harvest because my seeds are being sown in the things that God has called me to do today.
Live with a Goal of God’s Glory Being Known and His Kingdom Being Furthered On This Earth
As much as I have personal goals for my life, I have to hold them in contrast with God’s goals. He longs for us to grow in relationship with Him, make His name known, and glorify Him with our words and actions. I want to be fruitful in the things that make God’s name known and encourage others in their relationship with him. By being fruitful in those things, I know that God will bless me abundantly as I pursue the things of his will. It’s a constant, daily reminder that God’s goals need to be my goals too. His will needs to also be my will. I’m fruitful in what God has called me to do when I live with his ultimate goals in mind.