I’m here to help Christian women like you embrace their difficult circumstances and be fruitful in their lives.

I’m Lauren Carrizal

I used to avoid hardship at every cost. In the face of difficult circumstances, I ran the other direction. I struggled to remain present within both hardship and mundane, and I wished away the trials I was facing.

But then, God made it evident that he used everything in my life to shape me - even the hard stuff. It was in my challenges that I grew into a woman of deep faith and trust in the Lord. It was in seasons of hardship that I became more fruitful because I had deep roots. All it took was a perspective shift and an unwavering faith in the provision of God.

Now, I share how you too can embrace the difficult circumstances of your life so you can remain present when things get hard, growing in your relationship with God and deepening the roots of your faith.

Let’s venture on our faith journey together, friend.

Embrace the Difficult Circumstances We Are Facing

Renew Our Perspective on Hardship

Pursue Fruitfulness in Every Season

Together we will:

Take this quiz to find out what is holding you back from better embracing the hardship you’re facing.

Listen to Hardship & Harvest

Hardship & Harvest is a podcast on looking for goodness and pursuing fruitfulness in the midst of trials.

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Every email is written with you in mind so you can be encouraged and provided with practical tips to move forward when things are hard. Sign up and begin to embrace your life!

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