Finding Abundance Right Where We Are
Too small of an apartment, not enough hours in the day, nowhere near enough time for me to pursue my dreams. As much as I try to be a glass half-full person, I’m much more familiar with the glass half-empty way of thinking. For much of my life I’ve lived with this scarcity mindset: not having enough or somehow missing out on what’s “out there” or to come.
But, as I get older, I’m learning that this way of thinking only hinders myself and my satisfaction with my current life. Longing for more or for better takes away from the goodness I’m living in now.
When I look around at my life, yes, I see the things that aren’t great and the things that I wish were better. But I also see that God has given me exactly what I need for this moment in time. There is still abundance here, even if it’s not in the ways that I think it should be. I know that there’s abundance in your life too.
In The Garden
When I think about living a life of abundance, I’m reminded of the story of Adam in the Garden of Eden. We tend to remember this story because of The Fall, but I remember it because of what God intended for humanity before The Fall.
In Genesis, we see that God created Adam in his image to fulfill a purpose. He then gives Adam a place to live and care for (the Garden), and God gives him a helper (Eve). God provided beauty and nourishment for Adam in the Garden.
There are three things that God intended for us, as shown in his creation and purpose for Adam in Genesis:
To live as image-bearers because we are created by God himself, in His image. (1:26)
To live out God’s purposes for us because we all are given a purpose by God. (2:5-7)
To live a life of abundance because God provides our every need, as in line with his purpose for us (2:9)
We know that this story ends with sin entering the world. Even though Adam and Eve had everything they could have wanted, they still sought more. Their life of plentiful abundance wasn’t enough for them.
Isn’t it true that we view our lives this way too?
Living Abundantly
Because of The Fall, we now view abundance in a worldly way. Instead of having what we need, what we have isn’t quite enough. Abundance has become synonymous with having everything we want and using what we have for our own glory.
Living a life of abundance isn’t having everything we could ever want and using it for our own means. Instead, it’s having everything that God intends for us to have so we can fulfill the purposes he has given us. It is living a life of fruitfulness using the resources available to you. It’s accepting what God has given and stewarding it well.
God has given you exactly what you need exactly where you are right now for a purpose. When we begin to accept God’s good gifts and use them to glorify him and fulfill his purposes, that’s when abundance once again has its rightful place.
Let’s reclaim the abundance mindset that God intended for us in Adam’s very creation.
Finding Abundance Right Here
How can we find abundance right here, in this very moment?
We begin by remembering God’s intention for us in our creation: to live as image-bearers, with purpose, every need provided for. God has us where we are with what we have for a reason.
What does that look like for you?
For me, although life as a stay at home mom of an almost toddler is exhausting, I know that my purpose at this time is to simply be Wesley’s mom. God has provided me the time and space to perform this purpose. I’m planting seeds that will later flourish as Wesley grows older. And even though I find myself frustrated with our housing search and feel stuck in our small apartment, I have to remember that this is all we need at this time.
Next, we begin to live out of a place of abundance. I know that sounds like a big ask. But hear me out—what if we started to live as though we have everything we need? What if we lived as though what we have is enough for right now?
This looks like stewarding what we have well. For me, this looks like keeping my home organized and clean, giving of my time and money to good causes, spending more time with my family, and living more in the present moment. It is using what we have for God’s glory and getting rid of anything that creates clutter in our hearts or minds.
We were made for abundance, but not abundance as the world sees it. We are living abundantly when we reclaim God’s intention for us. Abundance is right where you are. How will you choose to live with the abundance afforded to you today?