Six Simple Ways to Remember God’s Goodness

This morning, I found myself sitting on our couch, coffee mug in hand, cat on my lap. With Wesley still asleep, these small moments of morning quiet bring calm to my heart. On this particular morning, I’m remembering moments that have passed. Moments where God’s goodness shone through my struggles. Past experiences where goodness overcame the evil that was so evident in my life.

I haven’t always lived in tune with God’s goodness in my life. I sought happiness and acceptance from this world. My sin drowned me and ran rampant. Even when I turned to God and began to follow him, I didn’t realize how good he really was to me. I found myself struggling with depression and anxiety, despairing over things that I should have given to God.

But these days, I’m learning to remember God’s goodness. It’s become a habit, a really good one at that. My eyes are being opened as I slow down and look for God in every little thing.

God’s goodness is always in full supply. It’s poured out for us all throughout this world and throughout our lives. But do we have eyes to see it?

The Goodness of God 

Scripture speaks widely about the goodness of God:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” -Psalm 23:6

I will remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” -Psalm 27:13

The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” -Psalm 145:9

No one is good except God alone.” -Mark 10:18

When we look at God’s goodness within Scripture, we can see that his goodness often shows his generosity toward us. He brings joy and blessings to all of his creation. His goodness is in His character, and we often see that goodness in our lived experience.

My own life experience is also a testament of God’s goodness. Over and over, God has overcome evil and darkness with his goodness and light. He has provided for me when I least expected it. And He has been generous to me with his grace, mercy, and love.

When I look back on how God has shown me his goodness, I’m often overcome with emotion. How could a God so good truly love me?

You see, we need to remember God’s goodness to us because it causes us to worship God in a deeper way. It gives us peace and fills our cup. It guides our way and gives us hope.

Here are six ways to remember God’s goodness:

Slow down.

When we slow down and take time to truly see, our eyes will be opened to the goodness of God around us. Have you ever noticed that you get irritable or frustrated when you’re speeding through life? Me too, friend. Slow down, and you will open yourself up to a whole new experience of God and his goodness.

Look for God in the little things.

God is everywhere. He is in everything. He’s in my early morning coffee, my patio garden, and my cats who bring me great comfort. God is in all of creation. Sometimes the small things in life often get overlooked, but the small things are where God is actually really big. Make it a habit to look for God in every little thing.

Spend time in nature.

I often find that God speaks to me in nature. Being out amongst His creation gives me such peace and inspiration. Go on a walk, hike, or bike ride today. Notice the wind, the leaves, and the green sprouting up around you. God’s goodness is there.

Meditate on Scripture.

When we spend time in Scripture and truly meditate on it, we come to see that God really is good. He cares deeply for his creation. He provides what we need when we need it—even if it’s not what we expected. Spend time meditating on Scripture and you will learn more about God’s character and his provision.

Take on a posture of continual worship.

We can take on a posture of worship at any moment. When we live life slowed down, unhurried, and open-handed, that is a posture of worship. When we look for God in the little things, that is also a posture of worship. You can worship God anywhere you are by the way you are living and choosing to love others well.

Reflect on ways God has provided for you.

God is continually providing for us. And there are so many ways that he’s already done so. Take some time to reflect upon all the ways that God has been generous toward you throughout your life. You will see God’s goodness through his generosity and provision.

God’s goodness is everywhere. Do you have eyes to see it?


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